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4 December 2023

Abstract The well-publicized disinformation campaigns surrounding recent elections, pandemic vaccination adoption, as well as supply-chain disruptions and shortages have made historical problems of disinformation more apparent. When disinformation targets transportation infrastructure, supply chains can be disrupted, resulting in commodities [...]

30 November 2023

Our colleagues Tove Frymer and Maja Svenbro got an article published in Journal of Emergency Management called “Common operational pictures as collective problem representations: The case of the 2018 wildfires in Sweden”. Abstract: Common operational pictures (COPs) can be seen as collective problem representations that facilitate effective problem [...]

27 November 2023

There is a heated debate –both scholarly and non-scholarly– about the links between the climate change that manifested through a prolonged drought in Syria after 2005, the political-unrest-turned-into-civil-war after 2011, and migration. However, not enough attention has been paid to the differentiated effects of the conflict-environment [...]

17 November 2023

The first newsletter form the Erasmus+-project 1 Future is now published. The newsletter summarizes the progress and activities arranged during the first half year of the project. 1Future includes 18 organizations and is led by the University of Tirana. The aim of the project is to support Higher Education  (HEIs) on the Western Balkans in building [...]

13 November 2023

Description Continues to fill gaps between the descriptive, conceptual, and transformative sustainability science. Sustainability is increasingly important across functional sectors and scientific disciplines. Policy-makers, practitioners, and academics continue to wrestle with the complexity of risk, resilience, and sustainability, but because of [...]

2 November 2023

Our doctoral student Maja Svenbro is going to defend her doctoral thesis on November 24 2023, at 9am. The presentation will be in the V-building at LTH, in room V:A. The presentation will be in Swedish. You are welcome to attend. We wish Maja good luck!

1 November 2023

In an article in Stadsbyggnad number 5 (2023), CenCIP researcher Jonas Johansson is interviewed about electricity supply in a changing climate. You can read the whole article on Stadsbyggnads webpage. The article is in Swedish.

24 October 2023

Congratulations Frida! On Friday October 13, Frida Linehagen successfully defended her PhD-thesis with the title “Gender (in)equality within the Swedish Armed Forces: Resistance and Functional Disinclination”. Frida has investigated how gender (in)equality manifests itself in military profession in Sweden. The thesis sheds light on the gradual [...]

17 October 2023

During 12-13 October, Henrik Hassel from the Division of risk management and societal safety, participated in a project meeting on the 1Future-project. 1Future is an Erasmus+-project including 18 organizations and led by the University of Tirana. The aim of the project is to support Higher Education  (HEIs) on the Western Balkans in building [...]

13 October 2023

The article Emergence and institutionalization of interorganizational coordination structures in crises by Tove Frykmer and Per Becker has been published in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management: Crises often reveal a mismatch between organizational and problem structures, demanding interorganizational coordination or new organizational [...]