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The second Gender, Disaster and Climate Change School (May 2020) is now open for application

– Published 19 November 2019

After the success of the first summer school, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety is proud to announce the organizing of the second Gender, Disaster and Climate Change School in May 2020. We endeavour to sustain the momentum to contribute towards a gender-inclusive approach in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation research and practice. By offering pedagogical training to actors such as researchers and practitioners, we strive to facilitate dialogue, and co-create knowledge and solutions, in developing gender-inclusive designs in response, recovery, and preparedness. At the same time, also contribute towards enhancing capacities so that participants become agents of creating gender secure environment at their respective workplaces. The last summer school comprised of 15 participants that included 11 PhD researchers and 4 practitioners from the field of gender from their respective organizations. These included participants from Nepal, India, Bangladesh and New Zealand. Eight speakers were invited to give lectures over 5 days. 

Some of the testimonials:


“I joined the 2018 Summer School as a “practitioner” linked with my role as the community engagement advisor for the Swedish Red Cross and was immediately and consistently challenged by the work presented by the participating researchers from South Asia and the lectures by staff at Lund and Copenhagen universities. During the summer school and afterwards it has inspired a much-needed self-reflection on the way that the Red Cross works with communities around the world experiencing and adapting to climate change, and the way the institutions understanding of adaptation, and resilience needs to be grounded in the experiences of those dealing with these phenomena daily. This has taken the form of a collaborative research project, involving the convenors of the summer school, that will bring these challenges back to the Red Cross as a humanitarian actor” Prashan Thalayasingam, Swedish Red Cross, Advisor- Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)


“I participated in the Summer course of 2018 just three weeks into my PhD. What a kickstart! I appreciated how the course took a truly gendered approach (not using gender as a trendy substitute for women). The course challenges harmful stereotypes and points to what we don’t yet know. The lectures posed questions about both the state of knowledge and how knowledge is produced. This course is great for everyone interested to know more about how disasters are gendered, and how we can use knowledge from gender and disaster research to understand risks posed by climate change. I highly recommend this course!” Kathinka Fossum Evertsen, Nord University, PhD candidate


For more information on Summer school 2020 please click here. To participate please send a motivation letter (max 800 words) to any of the following e-mail addresses before April 10th 2020.





Prof. Misse Wester

Course Leader

Phu Doma Lama

Course Coordinator